Moving newborn to siblings room


Benefits of moving newborn to siblings room include encouraging sibling bonding, providing security and comfort, and fostering family integration. Before making the move, ensure siblings are healthy, set up a safe sleeping environment, and supervise interactions. Timing should consider the newborn’s sleep patterns and family dynamics.
A Boy Kissing a Baby
Photo by Nicolette Attree on Pexels

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Benefits of moving newborn to siblings room

  • Encourages bonding between siblings
  • Promotes a sense of security and comfort for the newborn
  • Facilitates family integration and cohesion

Considerations before moving newborn to siblings room

  • Ensure siblings are not sick or contagious
  • Set up a safe sleeping environment in the siblings room
  • Monitor interactions between the newborn and siblings closely

Age-appropriate timing for moving newborn to siblings room

  • Consider waiting until the newborn is sleeping longer stretches at night
  • Ideal timing may vary depending on individual family dynamics and newborn development



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